
The 8 Best Social Media Platforms to Market Your Business in 2021


The 8 Best Social Media Platforms to Market Your Business in 2021

Are you looking to market and boost your business in 2021? Don't worry you are not so late; here you will know about the best social media platforms that will help you to take your small business to the next level.

Definitely, you want to know about these social media platforms and on the next step, the stats of these social media platforms.

So, let's dive! 

You can see the monthly active users of social media platforms.

Monthly active users of Social media platforms

Let's have a look at all  these Social Media Platforms:

1. Facebook

facebook stats

2. Instagram
Instagram stats

3. TikTok 
Tiktok stats

Pinterest stats

5. Reddit

Reddit Stats

6. Twitter

Twitter stats

7. LinkedIn

Linkedin stats


snapchat stats

How To Choose Best Niche for Blogging (10 Blog Niches For Making Money In 2021)

How To Choose Best Niche for Blogging (10 Blog Niches For Making Money In 2021)

How To Choose Best Niche for Blogging (10 Blog Niches For Making Money In 2021)

You love to write a blog but confused about choosing the best niche. If you have an idea of a niche, you are thinking that people will read your content or not.

Am I right? Somewhat familiar questions.

Don’t worry you are not alone asking or thinking about it.

The best niche for blogging is the most difficult part of starting a blog because this is the first step of your journey.

There will be many more ideas in your mind or maybe you have decided to start with anyone.

No matter, I will help you in finding the correct answer to your question of perfect niche selection.

Let’s start!

Why do you need a blog niche?

You want to start a blog to share your thoughts and ideas with the world.

What is a blog niche?  Or What is a niche exactly?

A blog niche is basically a topic on which you will write on your blog.

Now, everyone has a different idea, you will also have.

After choosing your blog niche, you need to understand who your audience is.

Where does that niche come from?

Here you have to validate your ideas.

Look around the objects near you if that click any idea in your mind.

Have a glance at your routine life. 

Blogs and magazines you read.

If still, you are not clear in selecting your nice. Don’t worry I am here to uncover it further. 

Now it’s time to validate 

Till now, you hopefully have thought and selected a niche. 

Next, you have to select the best out of these ideas.

There are three different facts balancing a perfect niche selection: 

How much you love that topic

How many people love that topic

Will you make money from the topic

What do you think about it?

If yes than

If you pick a topic that you love very much but other people have no interest then you will fail to attract your audience's attention. 

Choose a topic that you as well as other people also like. 

So how will you find out that the nice your selected is also liked by others? Go to the data…

Go to Google Trends and search your niche

On this site, you will find out that

people are searching for your niche or not

your niche is receiving increasing or decreasing interest

It’s an easy and good place to start though it is not providing a deep analysis.

Do a little keyword research 

Google trends give you rough ideas of niche popularity and momentum from Google Trends. It doesn’t tell you exactly how many people are searching niche right now.

So here’s what you need to do:

Then, take those ideas and enter them into a keyword research tool – KWFinder and google keyword planner is a good option that lets you search for free. When you do this, those tools will also suggest other related keywords, which helps you really explore all aspects of your niche:

Still, struggling with your niche? 

Here are the top 10 Blog Niches For Making Money In 2021

Finance and Investment Blog. ...

Fashion Blog. ...

Travelling Blog. ...

Movie and Music Blog. ...

Health Blog. ...

News Blog

Digital Marketing Blog

Technical Blog

Food Blog

Personal Development Blog